March 2014
Rochester, NY - Regional Distributors, Inc. continues its partnership with Elara Foodservice Disposables to fight hunger in America. Given today’s tough economic environment, the need for food and services for people at risk of hunger has never been greater. Over 49 million Americans are struggling with hunger and 17 million children are living in food insecure households. By joining Elara in their mission to fight hunger in America, Regional is truly making a difference in people’s lives by helping to change these statistics.
One Case/One Meal is Elara’s signature hunger relief program that provides meals in partnership with a local food bank to people struggling with hunger. For each case of Elara products purchased, Elara provides a meal to an individual at risk of going hungry. Based on the number of Elara cases Regional Distributors, Inc. purchased in 2013, Elara made a contribution to Foodlink on behalf of Regional for over $1,000.00. Coupled with previous year’s contributions, Regional has helped provide thousands of meals for people who are struggling with hunger and is actively helping our communities with hunger relief efforts. These efforts will continue for 2014 with a goal of increasing contribution amounts to Foodlink and support to local community members.
Learn more about Elara’s One Case/One Meal program and how you can help fight hunger in America.
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