October 22, 2015

Rochester, NY - David Scalen, Vice President and owner of Regional Distributors, Inc., is a finalist for the Small Business Council of Rochester’s Business Person of the Year Award. The annual award is presented by the Small Business Council of Rochester (SBC), an affiliate of the Rochester Business Alliance (RBA). Finalists were selected based on their ability to contribute to the areas of growth, leadership, achievement, and community service to their companies. The leaders represent the best of Rochester’s business community and are recognized for taking their companies to new levels.
Scalen says what differentiates the company from its competition is people who work with and for the company. Regional Distributors' motto is creating exceptional customer service experiences and Scalen motivates his team to uphold that motto on a daily basis. "My most important job is to support and inspire our employees to hold to the commitment that we are never going to let our customers down," Scalen says. He uses the latest technology to help accomplish that. "Today's customers have demanding expectations and want everything instantaneously," states Scalen. "If you are not able to respond almost immediately, then you are going to find yourself irrelevant." Scalen calls himself a hands-on leader, but acknowledges that the people doing the work are the ones who know best how that work should be done, "I like to say, 'I chart the course and everybody else steers the ship.'" To chart the course, Scalen frequently turns to playing music to help him think and free his mind. "Several years ago I read this book called 'Think and Learn' by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo recognized that when he played his violin he was able to think better because he felt it was incorporating both sides of his brain simultaneously," Scalen explains. "I have sat at the office for hours at a time thinking and strategizing while playing music. When you free you mind, you allow yourself to do your best thinking. That's what it's about, freeing your mind to let fresh perspectives and new ideas in." One of those new ideas includes launching a new private label line of products that are specifically branded to recognize and honor U.S. veterans. Scalen's father was a World War II veteran who suffered from PTSD for the remainder of his life and helping local military veterans has become Scalen's social mission. Scalen shares, "For every case that is purchased, we plan to donate part of the proceeds to Warrior Salute, a local veteran support program that is part of CDS Monarch in Webster." Through the private label initiative, support of local hunger relief programs, and numerous partnerships and donations to local organizations, Scalen and his wife Tracy are trying to dedicated their local family-owned and NYS certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise to supporting the community they both grew up in, are raising their three children in, and which has supported them in their business endeavors.
Scalen, the other nine honored finalists, and over 700 other local business leaders attended the award's gala luncheon held on October 15, 2015 at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center. The annual event is one of the largest business events of the year. Two awards were presented during the gala luncheon – leaders of businesses with fewer than 50 employees and leaders of businesses with 50 or more employees. Scalen was a finalist in the fewer than 50 employees category. Michael and Sitima Fowler of Capstone Information Technologies Inc. (fewer than 50 employees category) and Ken Rosenfeld of eHealth Technologies (50 or more employees category) were honored as winners of the 2015 Business Person of the Year award.
The annual award has become a highly anticipated, premier networking opportunity and event to celebrate Rochester business leaders that are helping the community thrive and inspiring other small- and medium-size businesses to do great things within the community. Local community members are invited to join the SBC in recognizing the Rochester area’s top businesses and their respective leaders, while promoting Rochester business community as a whole.
Learn more about the award and Small Business Council of Rochester at www.rochestersbc.com. |
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Creating Exceptional Customer Service Experiences
"Regional Distributors, Inc. has supplied excellent order accuracy and customer service at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que for a number of years. Dave Scalen and his team are more than just a supplier, they take a genuine approach to solving business concerns and cost savings. I appreciate our relationship and their dedication to us as a vendor."
Jim Clancy, Director of Catering & Concession Operations, Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Restaurants
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"I have been so impressed by the support and service provided by Regional Distributors. In a world where one-on-one customer service has virtually disappeared, the Regional Distributors team has proved otherwise and stand as an example for the rest of the industry to follow. Regional has made every attempt to help our business by providing alternative product solutions, thus reducing costs, and present themselves with superior communication skills and genuine interest. They are the definition of a true Team Player and should be congratulated for providing customer service and support well beyond the expectations of CP Rochester."
Jessica Fowler, Business Services Coord., CP Rochester, Rochester, NY